Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger Woods: Really who isn't talking?

Tiger Woods finally came out of hiding yesterday at 11:00 am live on CNN, take a look at the video if you missed it.
Video - Breaking News Videos from . After three months of saying nothing, he finally made a public apology at a press conference. I was so excited when I heard on the news that he would be making a public statement. I was keen to see this as he has been quite for the past three months as the media and the public sphere have been agressively scrutinizing him and his family. Stories of Tiger Woods along with many allegations and have been flying all over the media from mainstream news to bloggers like us and people active on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. My main point here is that it seems the entire world is talking about Tiger Woods, and participating in spreading their opinions of Tiger through social media.
Added the same day, after the public announcement aired on the television it was uploaded to Youtube. YouTube - Tiger Woods Public Apology Statement & Press Conference - February 19, 2010. Today this video has been viewed thus far by 989 people. With 27 people who rated it and 22 comments. These numbers I am sure will grow rapidly in the next few days, and proves that participatory media is crucial in keeping our generation informed as many rely on sites like Youtube to catch up on the gossip and news they missed. I know when I told my cousin I had just watched the speech on the news he said "ah I missed it, no biggy I'll catch it on Youtube later.

Tiger Woods I thought was an interesting topic to discuss as so many people in the public sphere have oposing views on the situation. I came across an interesting blog you may want to take a look at that demonstrates a rather strong argument supporting Tiger. Tiger Woods is just the world’s best golfer. « NYCA. This blog was interesting to me because he raises some valid points that I know myself turned a blind eye too when I first heard the news. At the end of the day, Tiger Woods is still an amazing golfer, his personal life is really none of our business. Do I agree with what he did, most definitely not, but I will agree with this blogger that I "bought into the superficial, I'm such a great guy" act Tiger had many believing.

So take Tiger Woods for example, this scandal happened three months ago, yet citizens in the public sphere are still raving about it on their blogs, twitter acounts, and Youtube, sharing various voices, expressing new ideas and collaborating their opinions. Although Tiger expresses in his video he wants the media to leave him alone, I believe he has put himself in a position under serious spotlight. The mainstream media as well as participatory media like bloggers will be talking, tweeting and tailing his every move for months to come.

Until next time,
The Active Citizen

1 comment:

  1. The tiger woods story has been such a hot spot for debate in the media, both mainstream and alternative because of the way he handled the issue. Tigers hiding from the media for nearly 3 months allowed the swirl of media to grow and grow, rather than coming forward and stating what he did was wrong he allowed people to speculate. This is not the first instance of a sports star in the news being portrayed in a negative light, there is Kobe Bryant and his ‘rape’ case, also in the past football player Ray Lewis and his murder allegations. The differences here are that these two cases where dealt with immediately in the public sphere, and as such society forgave them. In many instances Bryant and Lewis committed far worse acts than Tiger and the public forgave, therefore I feel once Tiger returns to what he does best, golf, all will be forgotten. This is the problem even though all of the events have been documented the media tends to have a short term memory. Maybe this will change with the explosion of citizen media which allows people who actually care to voice their opinions.
